Sojourn of Light

Chiron’s Tea, an Herbal Blend

Chiron’s Tea, an Herbal Blend

It's been a long time coming! In 2012, I was diagnosed with discoid lupus, pre-diabetes and polycystic ovarian syndrome. My physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies were in complete dis-ease and the evidence was there to prove it. I knew I had a dislike of...

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How to Achieve Holistic Wellness

How to Achieve Holistic Wellness

In today's fast-paced world, more and more people are seeking ways to find balance, health, and meaning in their lives. Enter holistic wellness, an approach that considers the entire person – body, mind, spirit, and emotions – in the quest for optimal health and...

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The Epic Adventures of Lavendarah

The Epic Adventures of Lavendarah

Once upon a time in the fragrant expanses of the Lavendar Kingdom, there blossomed a young princess named Lavendarah. As the heir to the throne, her life was scented with the sweet and calming fragrance that wafted from the endless lavender fields that graced her...

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Is Holistic Wellness a Fad? Consider This.

Is Holistic Wellness a Fad? Consider This.

Holistic wellness is an approach to health and well-being that considers the whole person – body, mind, and spirit. This approach is gaining popularity as more and more people are recognizing the limitations of traditional Western medicine, which tends to focus on...

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Have a Story, Sacred Land Site, Community, Project or Cultural Immersion That You Want Me to Experience + Write About? Reach Out!

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MoonChild Travel & Tours

For me, travel is more than just a getaway; it's an opportunity to connect with cultures, immerse ourselves in the richness of global arts, and ignite the adventurer within us. My goal is to take you beyond the tourist tracks to unexplored corners of the world. Whether you're a business traveler seeking authentic local experiences, a group of friends in pursuit of shared adventures, or an individual longing for a refreshing break, I design experiences tailored to your interests, while prioritizing environmental conservation. Featured destinations include Jamaica, Egypt, South Africa + more!