Mission + Vision


Divine Alignment for the Earth Assignment.


We believe that we can make environmental beautification, waste reduction, climate awareness and land back work appealing to people of all ages, walks of life and socio-economic backgrounds, ultimately bringing racial justice, gender justice, economic justice and environmental justice united under one mission as a post-capitalist strategy. The long-term vision is that our spaces – rural and urban – serve as a living laboratories for sustainability as well as a model for cooperative development and generational wealth-building for the Black, indigenous community. From storytelling to community action, our space is intended to be home for holistic wellbeing for all who seek it.

As natives to Southern Appalachia, we unapologetically celebrate the contributions + heritage of the Black, indigenous community who came before, sharing their stories, traditions and remedies for healing, creativity, entrepreneurship and environmental stewardship. Our work is their legacy.


Our Manifesto

We recognize that we are connected to all that is. We strengthen our skills by focusing on our strengths, not our weaknesses. We expand our mind, by leading and living from the heart. We conquer self-limiting beliefs by building a strong awareness practice. We build resilience by staying present in the now, and harvesting lessons from the past. We hold self-care and self-love as key ingredients to the recipe of sustaining change. We create from pleasure, play, abundance, joy and gratitude to attract universal magic. We celebrate the entrepreneurial mindset and build a community of support around ideas and innovation that will create a solidarity economy that works for all. We forge alliances across generations – past, present, and future – and pass on what we know to the next generation or next class of leaders that will walk the path behind us. We reclaim our birthright to reach our highest potential.


Welcome Home!

Our mission is to preserve and protect the legacy of nature by finding our place in it. We are a learning and teaching cooperative using the principles of permaculture design, sustainability, holistic wellness and biomimicry to build equitable communities. At House of SOLEIL, every element of our work is done with well-being in mind. Whether you’re seeking permaculture design, handcraft herbal products, enlightening podcasts, nature-based visual arts, inspiring apparel or yoga from the ones who charted the sky – we’ve got it all. Dive into our Nature School to unlock the profound healing arts, discover transformative visual art and be captivated by our in-house publishing services. Uncover a world of natural care that redefines traditional boundaries and fosters natural evolution from the inside out.

Our vision is to blend nature, creative expression, community building and sustainability towards the goal of improving quality of life on an individual, community, systemic and planetary level. By working cooperatively, we embody new principles of leadership and power by engaging in collective ownership + resource advocacy while ensuring that equity and inclusion are built in at all levels or our work. We model inclusive culture with the hope of catalyzing higher quality of life and a shift of outdated policies that profile, stereotype or exclude other human beings from opportunity or advancement due to race, gender + age or class. We stand alongside other purpose-driven allies, especially Mother Nature and community partners to create everyday solutions for holistic wellness that centers those most impacted by disparities.

[Modeled by first harvest celebrations in Africa]::
Umoja [Unity] | Kujichagulia [Self-Determination] | Ujima [Collective Work & Responsibility] | Ujamaa [Cooperative Economics] | Nia [Purpose] | Kuumba [Creativity] | Imani [Faith]



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